Friday, October 29, 2010

Josh Groban - "Higher Window" Lyric Video

I originally started this blog to reflect upon the use of music in the classroom. This is something I have been doing for a long time (22 years now!) and since the beginning I've always resisted the tendency to bring pop, meaningless songs to my students. I don't mean that pop music is always meaningless but I've tried to take the opportunity and introduce them to artists they might not have the chance to know for different reasons. Josh Groban is one of these artists. He has never disappointed me, if I can say so. What I mean is students always love his music although so far he should not be considered a pop artist at all. He is about to release a new album and his producers have been making good use of the new medias to promote it. I believe that's why we now have this brand-new song available before the CD reaches the stores in a few days.

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